"Eating without crustice will result in regret rather than satisfaction" - Pladough


Welcome to ...And Crustice For All

I hope I don't get a cease and desist letter from Metallica, Sep 10, 2017

I recently read an article about starting your own blog and one of the key takeaways was simply to write about what you are passionate about. Simple enough, but what am I passionate about? It did not take long for the idea of a pizza blog to enter my mind. I've long been a fan of pizza, as are most well-adjusted first-world humans, and have thought about doing some sort of blog or tracker to keep track of my pizza habit. The next step was a name. This was tricky and my first few tries, "Pizza is Life," "A Slice of Life," and "For Love of Pizza" were too generic and the URLs were already taken to boot. Interestingly, a Google search for pizza puns revealed the use of "crustice" to replace "ju...(more)

Tags: history Little Caesar`s Metallica pepperoni story toppings

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Ever since a fateful day in the mid to late 80s when my dad said, "Whatever you want" and I got my first pepperoni pizza, pizza has been my favorite food. And that is exactly how I think pizza is best - pepperoni and cheese. Sure, some other toppings are fine from time to time, but for my money, I'll take extra pepperoni.